Monday, March 1, 2010

15 days of bombing has reached its end

Yesterday it was the 15:s day of the Tiger Year, and the Chinese Lantern Festival, 元宵节, (Yuánxiāojié), is hold when the first full moon of the year is celebrated by hanging a lots or red lamps everywhere. The day is also called the Small New Year's Eve, and is the completion of the big new year celebration.

You also eat "rice-flour-balls" with different stuffing. The balls is called Yuanxiao, 元宵, in north of China, and the south have there corresponding Tangyuan, 汤圆, that is a bit smaller.

Yesterday was the last day that it is allowed to shoot fireworks in Beijing, and it was of course an explosive termination, and I can really say that it is a comfortable feeling that 15 days of continues shooting has reached its end.

A Chinese saying tells that extreme happiness demand sadness, and every year many tragic accidents happens because of the fireworks. The glad news for this year is that the death victims only become half related to last year. The biggest fire scandal for the year was that they succeeded to burn down the 1 600 years old south city gate of Zhengding, 正定.

The 1 600 years old south city gate in Zhengding was this years most discussed victim for the new year fireworks.

Yuanxiao, 元宵, (also called Tangyuan, 汤圆, in south of China) is traditional rice-flour-balls that is eaten as a conclusion for the celebration of the new year.

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