Saturday, March 6, 2010

A typical day

Many bloggwriter are writing in the format of diary and tell what they are doing during the day. As shown, this is not the usual thing for me, but I do an exemption:

A typical day in pictures (or a day at different tables)

06:40, I wake up
I sit a while at my computer and see if I received some life important mail or comments that demand an answer. I normally publish the todays blogg post just after 07:00, which means midnight in Europe (wintertime). I prepare todays class, or some other minor things. I am a morning person so this early hours use to be effective.

08:10 - 08:40. I eat breakfast
Sometimes a bowl of noodles in a small restaurant if I have the time, or else I buy some fast food on the street. I have beed forced to learn to eat Chinese breakfast since I dont have any alternative in my close area.

09:10 - 11:50, In School
Pronouncement practice, Write practice, Listening practice etc... A typical day use to include it all. Since I have a private teacher, this lessons is very efficient due too I get 100% of the teachers attention, and the show is totally adapted to me.

12:30 - 16:00, In the lunch restaurant
I usually go to one of all restaurants in the Sanlitun area for my lunch. I like to take good time and spend long time at the restaurant. More or less all "west-restaurants" have wireless internet so I always bring my computer and study, surfing, use Skype or write blogg posts. A very comfortable time. Sometimes I stay until I get hungry again and have the dinner at the same place, but usually I go home around 04:00

16:30 - 18:30, Home and have a rest
Since I have a very hard and tiring life, I need much rest

19:00 - 21:00, Dinner
Sometimes I go some small local place, and sometimes something nicer - Depending on my mood. The picture above is from one of the places close to my home.

21:30 - 23:00 SPA/Masage or a walk
I dont go to SPA everyday, but pretty often. Its a comfortable way of ending the day. If not, then I use to take a long walk. Beijing, as the most cities, become as most beautiful at night.

When I read what I write above it seams that I spend my days at a lot of different tables - but it is not really that bad. I also mix the program above with some other things ;-)

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